Cancer patient finds peace of mind with Sciensus reliable at-home treatment
The dedicated, caring and reliable support of Sciensus nurses providing treatment at home has helped a cancer patient to become one of the world’s longest survivors of his type of disease. Jack from South Yorkshire has mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer, and has been on service with Sciensus for more than three years. He credits the Sciensus nurses who treat him at home with keeping his condition stable and allowing him to lead as normal a life as possible.
Jack was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 after an operation to remove his gall bladder led him to seek treatment for a lump on his stomach. Testing revealed it was peritoneal mesothelioma, caused by asbestos fibres he’d ingested as a teenager while working in a car garage.
Jack used money from a pay-out he received related to his cancer diagnosis to access private healthcare in April 2021, after the chemotherapy he was offered through the NHS stopped working. He started seeing Professor Peter Szlosarek in London, who prescribed a course of immunotherapy.
The benefits of at-home treatment
Initially, the treatments had to be undertaken in London, where Professor Szlosarek is based, to ensure Jack had no adverse effects. But once Professor Szlosarek was sure they were working well he suggested Jack receive his treatments at home from Sciensus’ expert team of nurses.
Jack explained: “I thought it was fantastic. I’d never heard of this as an option, so I was over-the-moon.
“For the first two treatments, when I had to be in London, I had to leave the house at 8am and I didn’t get home until 9pm. I also had to have blood tests done two days before each treatment. I don’t think I could have survived it if I’d had to keep going to London for such long days, as it’s totally exhausting.
“Apart from anything else, it’s a nightmare to park at most hospitals and this saves me from having to do that. This is making a world of difference to me.
“There is a chance my treatment could have been moved to somewhere more local to me, but even going into hospital near to home is more of an ordeal. When I was told that treatment at home was available, I was so chuffed.”
Jack is now on a six-week cycle of immunotherapy. He has a blood test on Tuesday, followed by one type of immunotherapy drug administered on Thursday. This is followed by two weeks off treatment, and then another Tuesday blood test, followed by a different type of immunotherapy on Thursday, followed by another two weeks off.
Great relationship with Sciensus nurses
Each part of the treatment is carried out seamlessly by a member of the Sciensus team, and while Jack could see different people, he is often visited by the same two nurses.
“Rebecca is amazing and Sue is so funny,” Jack said, “but I haven’t had one nurse come to my home who isn’t fantastic. They’re all really, really good.
“Each immunotherapy treatment is four hours long. You’re sitting opposite your nurse in a one-to-one situation, so you get to know a lot about their life and they get to know about yours. They really are nice people and Rebecca is just wonderful. She’s like a friend.”
After Jack’s cancer diagnosis, he was told he might only have six to 12 months to live. That was six years ago, and his consultant has now told him he is likely one of the longest surviving patients in the world with his type of cancer. Jack credits his Sciensus nurses with helping to keep his cancer stable and making sure his mental wellbeing is looked after.
Great relationship with Sciensus nurses
Jack added: “It’s a very convenient way to have a treatment. The nurses take the same precautions that they would do in a hospital, which makes me feel very comfortable.
“They’re very reliable and always come when they say they will. It means I don’t have to worry about that part of my treatment. They sort everything out for me, and I definitely don’t think I’d be where I am now without them.
“In between treatments I have a phone number and email address if I need to get in touch with the team. For instance, if I need to change a treatment time they’re very helpful and accommodating. It makes it easy to live my life as normally as possible.
“If people can access the support of Sciensus I would completely recommend it.”
“I haven’t had one [Sciensus] nurse come to my house who isn’t fantastic. They are all really, really good.”
Jack – patient on service with Sciensus
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