Sciensus prescription due reports guidance
This FAQ provides helpful guidance on the prescription due reports provided by Sciensus. Topics include updating mailing lists, handling prescription requests, understanding the ‘Prescription Required By Date,’ and correctly submitting original documents to avoid duplication. For any questions about the prescription due report feel free to contact us.
Mailing list changes
You must inform us of any changes to the mailing list receiving this email to ensure we are communicating with the correct staff members. Please allow up to a week for these changes to take effect.
Prescriptions recently sent to Sciensus
If you have processed any of the prescriptions listed on the spreadsheet received, within the last 7 working days, then please ignore the request for those prescriptions. Those patients with an ‘At Risk’ status have passed their expected delivery date and may be at risk of missing a dose. You can also see using the Requested Before column which patients’ prescriptions have been requested previously and which are first requests.
Prescription required by date
The ‘Prescription Required By Date’ date is 3 weeks prior to the patients expected delivery date. Please consider this when prescribing controlled drugs such as Growth Hormone medication – we ask that, if possible, you postdate the start date of a controlled drug prescription to 1 week after the ‘Prescription Required By Date’ date. This will help prevent these prescriptions potentially expiring without use.
For patients on a 4 weekly delivery cycle, we will endeavour to request up to 8 weeks before the next prescription is required. Please note, in doing this we may have one further dispense of 4 weeks supply available to use at the time of making this request.
Sending of original documents to Sciensus
When emailing prescriptions to Sciensus either via our Emergency Prescription Team or our E-PRESCRIPTIONS mailbox, we ask that any original prescriptions that you post to us are clearly marked as “Duplicate” to indicate that they have been sent to us already. You may also choose to place these prescriptions into a separate envelope and to mark the envelope clearly as “Duplicate Prescriptions.” This will help to prevent us from processing those prescriptions twice.
If uploading prescriptions via our Sciensus Connect Portal, please place the originals into the Direct to Archive envelopes that have been provided to you.
Managing account status
Please note, that if a patient requires a blood test before you can complete a prescription, we will continue to request as normal unless we are specifically requested to place the account ‘on hold.’ You can place the account ‘On Hold’ yourselves by using our Sciensus Connect Portal.

“Moving to the Sciensus Connect Portal has completely transformed the way we handle prescriptions”
Nichola Hornbuckle, Medicines Homecare Lead at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
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